This 1997 KTM 400 620 LC4e Spare Parts Manual Engine is an authorized reproduction of the original out of print manual. It shows you all the part numbers for the Engine. Shows you how it all parts are assembled.
Covers the following models:
1997 KTM Duke 620e 1997 KTM 620RXC Electric Start 1997 KTM 620LSE LC4-E 1997 KTM 620EGS-E LC4-E Adventure 1997 KTM 620EGS-E 1997 KTM 620 END.SIXDAYS WINNER 1997 KTM 400RXC Electric Start 1997 KTM 400LSE LC4-E 1997 KTM 400EGS-E LC4-E 1997 KTM 400 END.SIXDAYS WINNER