This Caterpillar 941 941B 951 951B 951C Traxcavator Factory Service Manual provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for Caterpillar 941 941B 951 951B and 951C Traxcavator models.
This reproduction manual is a copy of the original out of print factory manual and includes model descriptions and serial number identification information to help you identify your model.
For the following Caterpillar Tractors:
Traxcavator #941 (16U) (70H) (80H)
Traxcavator #941B (16U1 & up) (70H1 & up) (80H1 & up)
Traxcavator #951C (32F1 & up) (69H1 & up) (86J1 & up)
Traxcavator #951
Traxcavator #951B
For the following Engines:
3304 Vehicular Engine (43V1 & up) (46V1 & up) (48V1 & up) (78pP & up) (9Z1 & up) (7Z1 & up) (12Z1 & up)
4.75″ Bore Engines 4 Cylinder and 6 Cylinder