This 420 page, Ford Compact 2WD 4WD Factory Service Manual is a reproduction of the original factory manual. It provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for Ford New Holland 1720 Diesel Compact 4WD, Ford New Holland 1720 Diesel Compact 2WD, Ford New Holland 1620 Diesel Compact 4WD, Ford New Holland 1620 Diesel Compact 2WD, Ford New Holland 1520 Diesel Compact 4WD, Ford New Holland 1520 Diesel Compact 2WD, Ford New Holland 1320 Diesel Compact 4WD, and Ford New Holland 1320 Diesel Compact 2WD models. This manual includes model descriptions and serial number identification information to help you identify your model. This is a reproduction of the Ford 1320 – 1520 and 1720 Tractor Repair Manual.
Ford New Holland 1715 Diesel Compact 2WD, Ford New Holland 1715 Diesel Compact 4WD needs supplement,
NH-S-1715- Supp.