
John Deere MC 40C 420C 430C 4401C 4401CD Crawler Service Manual

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $28.00.



This John Deere service manual is a reproduction of an out of print manual.  It provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for John Deere MC, 40C, 420C, 430C, 4401C and 4401CD models. This manual is a must for anyone that restores tractors, depends on them for their living or just wants to learn more about these machines.

The material is arranged in a systematic order beginning with an index which is followed immediately by a Table of Condensed Service Specifications. These specifications include dimensions, fits, clearances and timing instructions, as well as liquid capacities of the transmission, final drive, crankcase and cooling system. Next in order of arrangement is the procedures section.

In the procedures section, the order of presentation starts with the tracks and track carrier mechanism and proceeds toward the final drive. The last portion of the procedures section is devoted to the belt pulley, power fake-off and power lift systems. Interspersed where needed in this section are additional tabular specifications pertaining to wear limits, torquing, etc.

Suppose you want to know the procedure for R&R (remove and reinstall) of the engine camshaft. Your first step is to look in the index under the main heading of ENGINE until you find the entry ‘Camshaft’. Now read to the right where under the column covering the tractor you are repairing, you will find a number which indicates the beginning paragraph pertaining to the camshaft. To locate this paragraph in the manual, turn the pages until the running index appearing on the top outside corner of each page contains the number you are seeking. In this paragraph you will find the information concerning the removal of the camshaft.


Additional information

Weight 0.8175 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 0.4 in