This Official 1984-1985 Honda VF1100S Factory Service Manual is a reproduction of the original service manual, printed by Honda. It provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for 1984-1985 VF1100S motorcycles. Contains complete information on servicing your machine, special tools and troubleshooting information. It is not the original printing, it is the current printing of this manual. Some photos are dark.
1984 Honda VF1100S V65 Sabre
1985 Honda VF1100S V65 Sabre
This manual includes a Maintenance Schedule that should be followed to ensure your motorcycles is always kept in peak operating condition and that emission levels are within the standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Performing scheduled maintenance is very important – especially after an engine rebuild as it compensates for the initial wear that occurs during the break-in period. Sections 1 through 3 of this manual apply to the whole motorcycle, while sections 4 through 21 describe parts of the motorcycle grouped according to location. Most sections start with an assembly or system illustration, service information and troubleshooting for the section. The subsequent pages of that section give detailed procedures.
This Honda service manual contains the following sections:
General Information
Engine Section
Fuel System
Engine Removal / Installation
Cooling System
Clutch System
Gearshift Linkage
Cylinder Head / Valve
Drive Train
Chassis Section
Front Wheel / Suspension
Rear Wheel / Suspension
Hydraulic Brakes
Electrical Section
Battery / Charging System / Ignition System
Electric Starter
Wiring Diagram
Technical Features